Happiness is a decision

Happy – The easiest decision  

As a great sage was walking with his students he came across a bottle at the beach.

A genie popped out and offered him 1 of 2 wishes;
$100 million dollars or the greatest possible wisdom.

He chose wisdom.

After some time the students asked "Master what great wisdom have you learned?"
I learned that I should have taken the money.

Seymour and Harriet are getting on in age and decide they need to go on a diet. They eliminate all fat, all refined processed foods, all sugar, all meats. They end up basically eating grasses and fruits.

It works beautifully. They both pass away at 120 years old. They go up to heaven where are introduced to a beautiful banquet loaded with all the most amazing rich delicious foods. They are told they can eat all they want since they no longer have a body that could be damaged.

Seymour turns to Harriet and says “What’s the matter with you? If not for your crazy diet shenanigans we could have been here a long time ago.”

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