17 Fun steps on how to be happy Learn to “Happy it up
Fun Fact: Being Happy boosts the immune systems and helps people cope better with viruses than unhappy people. Learning how to be happy is easier than you may think!

2) Learn how to be happy by getting out and enjoying time with friends
3) Whatever you do, don’t Panic!
4) Take a break from the habitual negativity. Unfortunately, contention is very profitable… Imagine a world without politics
Try a visit to News Without Politics
According to The American Psychological Association, 69 percent of Americans say the future of our nation is a significant source of #stress, and 62 percent say they are stressed by the current political climate.
Adopt a “positivity bias” toward everything you experience. Take a break from politics, you won’t miss anything all that important.
6) Or just rock. Everybody, let’s rock
7) Remember we all have our challenges
8) We just need to get a little creative
9) And embrace your uniqueness
10) Never take the news seriously
11) Make sure you laugh
12) Find a club and go to their convention
13) Always know where you going

14) Always use proper speech
15) Fully enjoy your workday
16) Follow our forefather’s advice
17) Reduce Stress – take a vacation from politics
Stay informed without the stress